Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back to school

Eighty-odd writers, artists and thinkers have donated their poetic traces to The Tolerance Project, a collaborative MFA in Creative Writing that launches September 2009. Dust off your pencil cases and get ready for back to school!

How The Tolerance Project works

Each poetic trace donated to The Tolerance Project has been assigned its own barcode. Each poem written for the MFA will employ traces from the donated traces. The MFA poems will be restricted to The Tolerance Project Archive (which also includes the Office of Institutional Research and the Department of Communications and External Affairs) for their content.

MFA poems written for class will be posted on this blog. The online public is welcome to use the comments field to give constructive feedback on the poems. Based on cumulative feedback received within and without the institution, the MFA poems will be scrupulously revised toward the creation of The Writing Thesis.

Barcodes for the traces used will appear at the end of each MFA poem post, so that donors can monitor when their trace has been activated. Barcode identities will be revealed at the end of The Tolerance Project, by which time an aspect of each piece of donated poetic DNA will have been happily redeployed.

Please feel welcome to give your feedback on the poems posted here. Heaven knows we need all the help we can get.