Thursday, October 1, 2009

Poem 5 – Revenga

The assignment was to compose a renga, a Japanese collaborative poetic form. On September 30, The Tolerance Project Coordinator Rachel Zolf joined brains with classmates Ray DeJesus & David Blasco to output the following. Zolf's lines were naturally generated from The Tolerance Project Archive using Ray & David's words as search terms. Poetic DNA barcodes below as usual. Truly a testament to the collaborative potential of the MFA in Creative Writing.


The airplane's strings, taut
The unforeseeable future

telephone on board

& the plucky errand boy
draws battery diagrams

the conceptual framework

pulled from A to Zone

point-of-view of a puppet

that ace in the hole uphill

downhill a mug that cries foul

but wait, we’re moving

seems a train across the way

& dry circumstance

as if thought were sufficient

as if we needed the plan

transfigured memory

a bottle of tequila

like a mouth to flame

electroplated handsets

used the provided seat belts

over your shoulder

republic as in the air

that sort of conduct

the burnt body of water

pair of earrings to return

flexible substrates

indifferent to the trials

in shifts of vowel

fixtures slid in quietly

sink below the frank handcuff

slouched to form in shriek

fast hands slip as a week wanes

toys the size of bricks

a bit in your mouth, the moon

falls into the lake—stay there

Plato made his dogs

wander the house of women

a kind of death cough

traction and embraces

dazzling cursive in bold

the black slip in dots

wrestling to become a find

the wires touch at twelve

frightening to dash in light

comfort to dodge high noon smoke

& wouldn’t it be

better to spill in attics

cancel the bake sale

this has meant nothing to me

the truth in a joke, to dig

the broke wrist of beds

sticking to basement hung

a baseball thrown low

sticking forks into flat cakes

a callous giggle alone

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