There is something impure about the gullet or
Veined-through surface, a room without
Transitive verbs or furniture terrified of the monochrome
Façade that scrapes up, brushing close in repetitive
Windows, ledges and siblings
Wary of having my photo taken with him
Demonized as a dangerous liberal
More erasure followed here
She still makes the strong one weep
With No Respect to Electrostatic Interactions
The ex-drinker drinks, ex-smoker smokes
Purely placing value on certain Runs Scored
By the National Education Center for Conforming
This book you hold is stored behind glass in the Pompidou
By lowtech ways like freezing yourself or the laws
Of special relativity
Secrecy is a sometimes necessary tactic
In anticipation of power-sharing
What relic dusts the molecule’s crystallographic center
Which it would undermine by “liberalizing”
Well-plac’d Zeal
Zipping around near the speed of light
Your Cloth and Character comes in Paranthesis! [sic]
Can you believe marbled halls to kill readers where they stalk?
We rescued hominids from sad dressing
Between Supramolecules
To progress is a man, but this lesson is the landing witness
Decrease the amount of time you experience elapsing
You fail.
Where had those frames dived?

My sloth and haracter comes in parenthesis! [sic]